International Trade Data Sharing Platform using Blockchain Technology | NTT DATA

Di, 18 Februar 2020 - 8 Minuten

International Trade Data Sharing Platform using Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Will Change the World

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Blockchain Will Change the World

Blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) will bring our social infrastructure to a whole new level. With these technologies, we can build a data sharing platform with which original data is shared and verified by multiple systems, not by a single company or government, providing an extremely high level of transparency and tamper resistance. The original data becomes accessible to anyone at any time—creating a “ubiquitous original.” With these possibilities, we will create a totally new social infrastructure.

Blockchain CoE (Center of Excellence)
NTT DATA established the Blockchain CoE (Center of Excellence) in 2017. The CoE works to gather all use cases and commercialization analyses from overseas affiliates in order to utilize them as a whole group. We are working with affiliates in more than 20 countries to explore applications of blockchain technology in a wide range of fields such as finance, manufacturing, and the public sector.

Our Experience in Social Infrastructure
NTT DATA has a long history of building and operating social infrastructure in public and financial sectors such as trade, banking, and insurance. With our wealth of blockchain knowledge and rich experiences in building social infrastructure, we are creating new social mechanisms.

Internationally Recognized Excellence
In the Blockchain Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2019, published by market research firm Everest Group, NTT DATA was acclaimed as a leader in blockchain technology.

Digitalizing the World of Trade
Running the trade business is highly complicated, involving many different types of participants exchanging a variety of documents across borders. It was considered impossible to digitalize with existing technologies. Blockchain will make this possible and bring new value to all users. Within the trade industry, information is transferred among numerous institutions such as cargo owners, shipping companies, logistics companies, banks, insurance companies, and customs and import/export authorities. It can appear like a worldwide “telephone game” where data gets pushed through an intricate web of networks across the globe. With information fragmented among systems, constant and inefficient data transcription, and risks due to document tampering, so many problems remain unsolved in the industry. With blockchain technology, we aim to build a platform with which all participants can share information and drastically streamline all the vast and complicated processes. We will revolutionize the trade business in all aspects: security, efficiency, traceability, transparency, and collaboration.

Weitere Insights


Nelson Hall Leader Blockchain Services

This NelsonHall Vendor Evaluation & Assessment Tool (NEAT) analyzes the performance of vendors offering blockchain services.

Cybersecurity Services

Avasant: Blockchain Services 2020 Radar View NTT DATA Leader

NTT DATA wurde im Blockchain Services RadarView™ Bericht 2020 von Avasant zum dritten Mal in Folge als Branchenführer ausgezeichnet. Der Bericht stellt die IT-Dienstleister mit den wirkungsvollsten Blockchain-Implementierungen und -Strategien im vergangenen Jahr vor.