Start your professional development now
Systems engineering is the future. Developing increasingly complex products faster, with higher quality and less risk will only be possible through systems engineering. Therefore, start with a training to become a "Certified Systems Engineer": Achieve the GfSE SE-ZERT® Certification Level C or B with NTT DATA!
Puzzles in Group work for lasting learning Success
Intensive exam preparation with "Trial & Error". Our special learning method is based on "Inverted Classroom": first studying the content on your own and then applying and practicing in Teams. At NTT DATA, exam Materials are created together with Team puzzles – remotely on an interactive whiteboard. The course participants are not presented with the exam-relevant content but work through it themselves. "Trial & Error" is an important success factor here: at first, one may be on the "wrong track", but later with the trainer's help, they find the right solution, thus transforming knowledge into fundamental understanding.
Fit for the SE-ZERT® Exam in 12 Days
The training content is based on the Systems Engineering Handbook and corresponds to the core curriculum of the GfSE SE-ZERT®. It focuses on Systems thinking, System knowledge, systems engineering processes, cross-sectional systems engineering methods, and specific engineering disciplines.
Procedure. The training extends over four Months. Once a Month, there is a three-day training unit with trainer-led sessions from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Prior to each training unit, there is independent preparation with clearly defined tasks.
The training for "GfSE Level C / INCOSE ASEP" and "GfSE Level B / INCOSE CSEP" is structured as follows:
1. Preliminary: Study independently and solve tasks.- Read and understand the given "must" and "can" contents.
- Apply the learned knowledge through small exercises.
The course is fully virtual, conducted through Microsoft Teams and Miro. You just need to ensure that you have an internet connection, and that Miro is accessible to you.
The course will be held in four monthly blocks of 3 days (Wed-Thu-Fri) from 9:00-17:00
We usually assign small follow-up tasks between the training blocks (4 blocks of 3 days each), which should not take more than a few hours.
Systems engineering is an approach that is particularly worthwhile for complex systems. Systems engineering is published by INCOSE in ISO15288. GfSE offers a certification program (SE-ZERT®) for all industries. Our course corresponds to this approach.
The course is based on the current curriculum of GfSE for certification at Level C or B. Currently, GfSE certification is based on Version 4 of the INCOSE handbook.
A new Version 5 is released by INCOSE. The GfSE certification program will adapt to the new Version 5 but only after the translation of the INCOSE handbook.
GfSE plans to update the certification program starting in 2024.
The ISO15288, which builds the foundation of the certification program, remains largely unchanged. Version 4 focuses heavily on the processes of ISO15288, while Version 5 will focus more on the application of systems engineering.
A separate preparation for cross-entry (intermediate examination) is not necessary. The 9 training days completed before the exam are sufficient
Level B and C differ in the experience of the participants and the effort required for re-certification. Discussions in the Level B course are often more in-depth. The required previous experience is necessary to engage with the INCOSE's non-industry-specific teaching. However, if you work constantly on SE-related topics, re-certification should not be an obstacle for you.
The requirements for the two levels can be found at SE-ZERT:
Prerequisites for Level C examination:
Prerequisites for Level B examination: